Raja Ampat

Hello from the middle of the Indian Ocean, specifically the Philippines Sea. 

We started out in this boat after one day in Sorong, Indonesia.  There is not much to see in Sorong, mostly just divers traveling thru to get on a boat. We did take a couple of mini-buses to get to a shop.  The first had a friendly driver with 100s of fish-eye mirrors across his windshield.

This bus just stops whenever folks stick their hand out and you just tell him when you want out.  It was a bit beat up and rusted.

We boarded LaGaligo on Saturday morning. A couple pics from the boat.
Our room is about 12x12 plus a bathroom that is about the size of our shower at home. But it is enough!

Sunset is always a treat!

We have seen so much diving Raja Ampat. The coral is super vibrant and healthy and the fish life is overwhelming. The schools of fish are like a cloud there are so many fish. At times you can get completely surrounded. 




Crocodile Fish. It's camouflaged there on the table Coral.

Clown fish in soft coral.

Morey Eel

Puffer fish

This fish was eating something... the video is cool!


Manta Ray
This manta Ray was huge. We had been down at about 50ft at a manta "cleaning station" hoping to see some... no luck. The dive was over, we were at the surface and someone spotted this guy! We all dived back down a few feet to watch him glide by.... so lucky!

We have a couple more days in this boat, I can't wait to see what we see next!

Take care,
Sheri & Carsten


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