Norway - Time with family

 Hello - if you are looking for sights and/or tips about Oslo this is not the post for you.  If you go back to 2019 in the blog there is a post about Oslo.  This time our trip to Oslo was about seeing our Norwegian son Andreas. Andreas was an exchange student with us in 2008-09.  We have remained close to him and wanted to spend some time with him, his lovely wife Marit and daughter Hedda.  So, let's get to Norway!

We arrived late on Thursday after seeing Hilmer and Roslyn off on their flight to Houston.  Having arrived on the longest day of the year we enjoyed a late dinner and walk around Oslo with Andreas.  Sylvi and Olav (Andreas' parents) let us stay in their apartment in Oslo - such a treat!

Friday we walked around Oslo with Sylvi and Olav, grabbed lunch in the harbor and checked out the area.  This beach is a popular stop for swimming in Oslofjord.

It was a gorgeous sunny day!

Fighting the traffic out of Oslo, we went to Andreas' house in Asker.  We had dinner fresh from the garden -

Saturday morning we headed to the family cabin south of Oslo near the shore of Oslofjord.  It is an idyllic setting!

We went swimming in the fjord - the water was cold!  About 20C/68F but once you were in it was very nice!  The sun was out ... who goes to Oslo and gets more tan!?!?!

A lovely dinner of shrimp and chasing the sun to bed...

We enjoyed the time at the cabin - it gave us a chance to be around Hedda (21 months) - for her to get comfortable with us.  She is a busy, charming little girl!

As a final treat we got to see Katrin (our "niece") who is going to school near Oslo right now.

Ok - some touristy pictures ...

the King's Palace

Mr. Nobel

Oslo Cathedral

We had a great time in Oslo!  We are so glad to see Andreas & Marit so happy with their little family!  As the years go by we forget the joys and challenges of a small child.  How everything is both happy and difficult! The wonder of an empty paper towel roll and some small pinecones, the importance of naptime (for everyone) and the warmth of a child's snuggle.  So blessed to get to spend this time together.

We are off to Germany for some time with Ulf & Heike (Carsten's parents) and friends (also to do laundry ... LOL)!

Stay cool!

Sheri & Carsten


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