Getting there ... and sights in Reyjkavik


We had an adventure getting to Reykjavik - a change in flight on Friday, delay of flight from Newark to Reykjavik... but we finally arrived at about 9am local time.  The overnight flight is only about 5 1/2 hours so there is not a lot of time to sleep.  But, we must carry on.

We dropped our luggage off and started to explore the city.  Here are some of the sights:

This is our street, in a walking district, our place is at #40 on this 106 block long hop-scotch!  Super fun!

Just some random architecture.

Church Hallgriskerkja - built 1945-1986

Georgia Boys Choir getting ready to rehearse

View from the top of that church.

The bells chimed while we were up there (they go off every 15 minutes). 

The gleaming steel sculpture on Reykjavik’s splendid waterfront that resembles a Viking long-ship is the ‘Solfar’ or ‘Sun Voyager.’  The artist Jon Gunnar Arnason created the striking landmark.

It was a long day of walking (about 4 miles) but we saw a lot!  We were all tired when we went to bed shortly after 9pm - by then we had been up 32 hours with sleep only on the 5 1/2 flight.  Sleep was a lovely thing until 4:45 am when the FIRE ALARM went off!  We all had to get dressed and walk down 4 flights of stairs and go outside.  Of course the sun is up most of the night here (sunset 11:30pm, sunrise 3:30am).  Supposedly someone set off the alarm smoking in their apartment.  Fortunately most of us were able to go back to sleep!

Today (Happy Memorial Day!) we went to the Blue Lagoon!  This is the coolest thing EVER~~~  here are some pics:

My mom, dad, Uncle Daniel and Aunt Dee:

Same, except the dark person is me... LOL

This is the blue lagoon - heated by thermal waters to 98F-105F, 70% saltwater and many minerals, all excellent for your skin!

We all got masks - there were 3, including an "anti-aging" mask!  LOL, hope it works!  Funny thing, if you remember we just got back from a cruise in the Caribbean - we came back tanned and happy!  Today at the Blue Lagoon in ICELAND we all got sunburned!  We did not even pack sunscreen - for Iceland ?!?!?!? don't be absurd!  So, hope the red goes away quickly!  Wow!

Tomorrow we will take a Golden Circle Tour.  I am sure I will have many pictures to share!

Also, we are grateful for the beautiful weather - according to the guy at the Blue Lagoon they only have about 10 days a year that are clear and beautiful like today was!  We are super blessed!

Take care - more soon!

Sheri & Carsten


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