Prague - part 2

 Still in Prague - so much to see here.  We are honestly so tired that it is hard to even get motivated to take pictures.  I did a rough calculation of how much we have walked in the last 3 weeks - about 81 miles.

Yesterday we did a Segway Tour in a park in the west part of Prague. It was super fun, especially once they removed the speed governor! The Fall colors are really lovely too!

There were a couple of stops on the tour.  The first was on top of one of the cliffs forming the canyon we rode up with nice views of the Czech country side.  Carsten, Mr. Safety, was worried that the others were getting too close to the edge.  Of course, everyone survived to continue the journey.  The second stop was the Brevnov Monastery and Brewery.  Founded in 993.  The beer was good - and it made the Segway driving a bit more challenging (just kidding!).

After we were done with the tour Falk & Svenni did some walking and shopping while Carsten and I went to try and figure out where our Covid test would be Wednesday morning.  The building numbers are a bit confusing here so we wanted to check it out.  We took metro of course and discovered that the escalators here in Prague are super fast - as they were in Budapest.  Crazy!

Today (Wednesday) we went to the National Museum.  We saw an exhibit on 20th Century of Czech history and one on Evolution.  Mostly it was a beautiful building.  We are kind of on information over-load.  I cannot really take much more in.

After the museum we grabbed lunch and headed back to Old Town to see a couple of Churches we had missed on Monday.

Church of Our Lady before Tyn. 14th Century Gothic

St. Nicolas Church (Old Town).
Originally 13th century. In the second half of the 17th century the Jesuits decided to build a replacement. Built between 1703-1711, Count Wenceslaus Kolowrat-Liebsteinsky was the patron of St. Nicholas, donating his entire estate worth 178,599 golden talents for its construction.

Funny, if you have ever been on a cruise you will know that you always see the same people - you run into them over and over.  We have had that experience here in Prague.  A couple that was on the Old Town Hall tour with us keeps popping up all over town at the same sights we are touring.  He was annoying on the tour so it is funny when we keep seeing them again and again. LOL

Tomorrow is a National Holiday here in Czech.  We will actually go out of the city to do a hike in a park. I think there is a castle too - Falk has made a plan.  Tomorrow night Carsten and I will move over to a hotel at the airport to be close for our 7:00 am flight home on Friday.  

I hope you have enjoyed a little glimpse of our travels.  I have one more post planned but I am not sure when I will get that done.  Just some funny things we have seen along the way.

See you soon!

Sheri & Carsten

PS - Go Astros!!!


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